Ali Harris Therapy

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Restore: The Anxiety Management Course for Women

If you’re here to find out exactly what will happen on the RESTORE course, please CLICK HERE to get all the details.

If you struggle with anxiety then you know - it's NO joke - it's not feeling just a 'little' worried.

It's FEAR - gut-wrenching, mind-freezing, nausea-causing fear that gradually takes over your body and mind until you're virtually incapacitated.

Anxiety makes you feel small, inadequate and ashamed.

Anxiety makes you want to hide - it seals you up in silence.

You become afraid to let people know how you're feeling.

Anxiety lies

Anxiety tells you that 'everyone else is coping SO much better than you are.'

That 'other people have it SO much worse than you and still manage to get along.'

Anxiety tells you that 'you are pathetic and weak and no one wants to hear a 'Debbie Downer' whinge about her first world problems.'

And even if you DO pluck up the courage to share, many people WILL dismiss and invalidate your struggles:

"You worry too much!"

Just be more confident!"

"It's not a big deal!"

"It could be worse!"

So you shut up.

Anxiety Makes YOU lie

You pretend all is well.

You make yourself smaller.

You slap on a happy face and you push on.

You focus on making it through each day.

And that works for a while... until it doesn't, and cracks begin to form.

Your worries get harder to hide and your self-loathing starts leaking until you:

  • Burst into tears when someone asks if you're ok

  • Lose your sh*t with your kids over something small

  • Miss work deadlines as procrastination sets in

  • Snap at your partner so often that distance creeps between you

And you feel like it all confirms your worst fears…

I can’t cope with my anxiety!

You feel:








Which really sucks because you AREN'T any of those things!

Ok, Ali - What CAN I do about my anxiety?

I’m glad you asked!

I reckon all you need is a bit of time and space and empathy to help you get back in touch with who you really are.

‘Oh is that all?!!’

I can almost hear your rueful chuckle.

I know that can be a BIG ask, as women’s time tends to be spent seeing to everyone else’s needs except their own.

So, ideally, what you need is someone else to lay a path for you, provide a strucure for you to utilise (as much or as little as you want) so that you don’t have to think “How do I manage my anxiety?” so much as just go, oh, it’s time to do that anxiety stuff now…

“Who is going to do that for me?” I hear you cry!

Well, just a thought…..but what if I could do that?

Restore: the anxiety management course for women

  • What if I could offer time, space and empathic community to you, right now?

  • What if you could become part of a small group of women, who feel just like you do. A group gathered together by me, a qualified and experienced therapist, to support one another to learn and grow emotionally?

  • What if you could become part of an intimate community of women, who are all committed to helping one another identify and explore their emotional needs, and to helping each other learn how to get those needs met?

  • What if, through this group and its activities, you could go from feeling unstable, inadequate and self-destructive to feeling calm, competent and content?

That group is forming, it has 6 spaces and it begins on SEPTEMBER 9TH!

If you'd like to know more about this group and how it can help you learn to manage anxiety and become calm, competent and content, you can click here to get the lowdown on EXACTLY what is involved or you can click this link to book your free initial chat with me NOW.

Let's get cracking on breaking anxiety's strangle-hold on your life - you deserve to feel better!

Love from Ali xxx